Bellway Homes

Planning applications

Bellway Homes

Bellway Homes is pleased to present its plans for the eastern parcel of the South Epping Masterplan Area (SEMPA), which will be delivered through a detailed application for up to 225 high-quality new homes, including up to 90 affordable homes. In addition to new homes, the proposal includes land for a new primary school and a vibrant School Square – an adaptable public space enhanced with planters and greenery, ideal for community events. The development also prioritises biodiversity net gain and offers a tranquil 2.3km woodland trail, featuring edible landscapes, water features, and peaceful areas for relaxation, within a new 10ha parkland, fostering both nature and community well-being.

Further information can be found in relation to key benefits, illustrative masterplan, transport and movement, sustainability and landscaping.

Within these plans for the eastern parcel, Bellway will deliver a mix of apartments, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-bedroom houses. Sustainability is at the heart of the development with air source heat pumps and solar panels to be installed throughout the development.

All new homes will be provided with dedicated parking, and visitor parking spaces will be made available throughout the development. A new vehicular access point will be established from Stewards Green Road and new active travel routes will be implemented as part of the plans for both pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, there will be new tree planting and footpaths creating a 2.3km woodland trail and children’s playspaces, set within a new 10ha parkland.

The plans are being developed in accordance with the masterplan proposals within the Strategic Masterplan Framework and Design Code previously consulted on in June 2024. The Masterplan Area seeks to deliver a new high-quality and sustainable community that responds to the character of the existing area.


Delivering community benefits that positively impact Epping

The proposed development provides a number of opportunities and community benefits for both new and existing residents. The scheme has been sensitively designed to ensure that it reflects the local character of Epping but responds to the Masterplan Framework and Design Code in addition to meeting the needs of the community.

  • Up to 225 high quality new homes in a mix of sizes to suit different needs
  • Up to 90 affordable homes
  • Sustainable homes with air source heat pumps and solar panels throughout the development
  • Land for a new primary school to be delivered by Essex County Council
  • New walking and cycling routes
  • Biodiversity net gain
  • New tree planting
  • New vehicular access from Stewards Green Road
  • Investment into local infrastructure and services including local GP services
Community benefits

The site


The site is located on the land east of the railway in the South Epping Masterplan and relates to the Epping Forest District Council allocation of EPP.R2 as identified in the Local Plan. Character areas will create multiple smaller neighbourhoods with their own unique identity and quality of place.

Illustrative Masterplan
Illustrative Masterplan

Transport and movement

Creating active travel routes throughout

One of the key principles of the Masterplan Framework consists of the integration of the development with the immediate area and the wider town, as well as the countryside to the south, ensuring that new residents have good access to surrounding facilities and accessible open spaces.

The main vehicular access will be from Stewards Green Road as the spine road through the development leading to the proposed primary school and parking for the new parkland.

Emphasis is placed on integration of pedestrian and cycle routes throughout the scheme, creating active travel routes throughout the development. Sustainable transport measures will be incorporated to encourage active travel and maximise public transport use.

– Street hierarchy plan
  • Land South of Epping, East & West (EPP.R1 and EPP.R2)
  • Active Travel Corridor
  • Access Street
  • School Vehicular Access
  • Shared surface street
  • Private drive
  • Courtyard square
  • Green Corridor
  • Car free frontage
  • Read parking court (indicative access location)
– Street hierarchy plan


Our vision for a sustainable development

The proposed development has been designed to respond positively to national and local plan policy incorporating measures to deliver social and economic benefits, while also protecting and enhancing the environment. Our vision is to provide a sustainable development that:

  • Decreases the amount of embodied carbon needed upfront by using smart building materials and design techniques in constructing our homes.
  • Includes ways to reduce heat loss and regulate temperature naturally by how the buildings are positioned and designed. It pays close attention to details that prevent heat from escaping easily and sets goals for keeping the air inside well-sealed.
  • Development of net zero ready homes meeting the emerging Future Homes Standard, due 2025, incorporating renewable energy such as air source heat pumps.
  • Minimises the use of water meeting the building regulations higher water efficiency standard.
  • Promotes sustainable travel and transport through enabling the use of public transport, cycle storage and parking and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points.
  • Adapts to future climate change scenarios by designing to mitigate overheating risk and incorporating sustainable drainage features such as SuDS.
  • Incorporating circular economy principles into design and construction to reduce waste and encourage reuse and recycling.

Sustainable development

Suitable Natural Green Space

Open space, woodland and communal areas for play and wellbeing

Our proposed Suitable Natural Green Space (SANG) offers a serene 2.3km woodland trail, featuring edible landscapes, water features, and peaceful areas. Key highlights include:


  • Woodland paths ensuring privacy, with easy access from Epping.
  • Car park, cycle storage, play areas for all ages, and social spaces at the main entrance.

Play and relaxation areas

  • Brook View Park: Near the new primary school, this park blends play spaces and calm areas in a mature tree setting.
  • Themed play areas and informal discovery spots along the trail.

Green corridors and ecology

  • Brook Valley: A scenic heart of the community with bridges, mature trees, and detention basins to manage water while enhancing ecology.
  • Green corridors with meandering paths, tree-lined vistas, and natural play spaces, boosting biodiversity.

Community Spaces

  • School Square: A flexible public space for gatherings, enhanced with
  • Vibrant planters and adaptable greenery
  • With 50% green infrastructure and a biodiversity net gain, this development blends nature with community living.
Natural green space
School Square
Indicative Visualisation of School Square

Have your say

Drop-in event

We are holding a drop-in community engagement event that will allow the opportunity for you to speak to members of the team, view further details on the proposals and to give your initial feedback on the proposal. 

Booking is not required to attend the event.

  • Thursday 7 November 2024
    5pm – 8pm

    Ivy Chimney’s School, Epping, CM16 4EP


Bellway Homes
