Masterplan and Design Code
To ensure the delivery of well-designed quality places that meet local needs, Epping Forest District Council is committed to a rigorously tested Strategic Masterplanning Process for strategic sites.
The Strategic Masterplan, amongst other things, seeks to achieve the following outcomes:
- The broad distribution of development across the site
- Setting out the spatial vision early on including links and relationships with existing homes and infrastructure
- Consultation and involvement with the community
- Design principles for new buildings and spaces
As a result, the Council and South Epping Consortium have set out the framework of the Masterplan Area early on and this includes the links and relationships with existing homes and infrastructure immediately surrounding the site.
The site
Site masterplan
- Site Boundary
- Residential
- Indicative Location of School Building
- School Site
- Site Access
- Existing PROW
- Key Pedestrian Route
- Zone for New Shared Pedestrian/ Cycle Bridge over Rail Line
- Entrance Road
- Access Street
- Pedestrian or Cycle Access
- Shared Pedestrian / Cycleway
- Shared foot/cycle routes
- Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) Car Park
- Open Space
- Equipped Children’s Play
- Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) Provision
- Indicative Zone for Acoustic Bund to Incorporate Landscape Planting
- Community Space
- Indicative Zone for Surface Water Attenuation Basins
Key features
Benefitting the new and existing community
The masterplan framework offers a sensitive development with a new primary school and affordable homes for local residents.
The proposals in full:
- A minimum of 450 new energy efficient homes, including social rented and shared ownership homes
- A new 2 Form of Entry primary school with early years provision
- Shared community facilities within the school building
- Children’s play spaces
- Careful retention and enhancement of established green landscape and watercourses
- A new pedestrian and cycle bridge crossing the central line to improve active travel opportunities
- Servicing and provision for a retail ‘coffee kiosk’ adjacent the SANG
- A new buffer to mitigate against noise and adverse impacts from the M25
- Public open spaces for recreation and biodiversity including a new Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) over 10 ha in size spanning both sites, a new school square and a village green
- Discussions are ongoing with Herts and Essex Integrated Care Board as to whether existing medical provision will be supported within Epping or new facilities are provided within the development
The consultation
The South Epping Consortium helped to facilitate a six week long consultation which was undertaken by Epping Forest District Council, this publicised the masterplan and accompanying design code.
View the Strategic Masterplan Framework
Concurrent to the masterplan consultation, Barwood Land will be consulting on their proposed planning application.
The Design Code
A design code is a set of illustrated design requirements that provide specific, detailed parameters for the physical development of a site or area. The Code goes beyond the detail of the Strategic Masterplan Framework and has been structured to align with the themes set out in the government’s National Model Design Code. The code themes are: Nature, Movement, Public Spaces & Legibility and Character & Identity.
Planning applications that come forward for the South Epping Masterplan Area will need to accord with the masterplan and design code.
Throughout the six week consultation period which took place between 13 June to 25 July, we invited comments on the design code alongside the Strategic Masterplan Framework.
What are the timescales?
28 May 2024
Cabinet endorses masterplan consultation
13 June – 25 July 2024
6-week public consultation
18 June 2024
Public exhibition at Ivy Chimneys Primary School
24 June 2024
Market stall at Epping Town Market
August 2024
Review of public comments and updated masterplan, design code, and emerging plans
September 2024
Anticipated EFDC Cabinet masterplan and design code endorsement
Autumn 2024
Submission of planning applications targeted
Summer 2025
Anticipated commencement of development